Ad Blue Box Emulator

AdBlue Box Emulator

The new european regulations for transport aim to the production of veichles with a lower amount of polluting nitrogen oxides emission. The new rule Euro 6 which has entered into law starting from september 2014, compels all the auto companies/automakers to produce veichles which follow this rule.

AdBlue is a registered trademark, which identifies a chemical solution, the AUS32 (Aqueous Urea Solution 32,5%); the Aus32 is used in the so called “selective catalytic reduction” (SCR). Its function is to reduce the nitrogen oxides emissions from the exhaust gas, produced by the veichles provided with a diesel engine.

However, outside the European Union, veichles which do not need this additive can still circulate.
Mondo Camion shows you now an exclusive product, characterised by an innovative technology: the: Ad Blue Emulator Box.

As already stated, this is an exclusive product: indeed, it can be found only on our shop.
The “AdBlue Box Emulator” by Mondo Camion is an highly sophisticated device completely planned and produced in Italy.

The constante technological development of our product, which is the result of the studies made by our engineers and the strict qualitative selection of the components, give us the possibility to produce and offer an emulator which can be adapted to the different brands of heavy veichles, up to the Euro 5 ones ( every veichle by Daf, Daf Lf, Iveco, Man, Renault, Volvo, Scania, King Long and New Holland).

Currently our engineers are developing a new emulator adaptable to Euro 6 veichles. The emulator perfrorms a specific and precise task: if the veichle runs out of the additive, it inables the AdBlue system, in order to avoid any power limitation

The AdBlue Emulator Box is an high technology device, which can be used only outside the European Union. The Emulator bypasses the electronic module of the AdBlue system, without interfering with the other electronic systems of the veichle. That is why it is absolutely necessary in all the countries where Ad Blue additive cannot be found.

When the emulator is needed

Let’s make an example, to clarify the cases when it is necessary to install one of our Emulators:
” a lorry is sold in Marocco, but it displays a damage in the pump which supplies the AdBlue to the engine. Without the Emulator, the standard electrical box will generate an error, limiting the engine power. the pump repair will naturally involve relevant costs and the veichle will be unavailable for some time”.
It should also be considered that, outside the European Union, the AdBlue additive is not easy to find; that is because outside the European Union, the use of this additive is not compulsory.


Our module works as interface between the electronic box and the engine replacing, or more precisely, emulating the electronic box itself ; this way the Emulator bypasses the part related with the AdBlue additive controls. The module can be easily installed on every lorry.

 It is inserted on the OBD cable, which has the task to send and receive in a bidirectional way all the datas between the engine, the different detectors and the electronic box. The electronic box elaborates the datas and, following the results, regulates the the engine and the different electronic components.

No loss of power, no problems for the diagnostic system

With our Emulator on board, the AdBlue system is disabled; in this way, any loss of power or problem with the diagnostic system is avoided. No warning alarm will light on the instrumental panel of the veichle, which will work exactly as the AdBlue were regularly flowing.

The AdBlue Emulator Box can be found on our shop online.

Contact us fortwhith to make your journeys safe driving a powerful and reliable veichle.

Don’t Miss the Promotion on “Mondo Camion Ad Blue Emulator”

As we have already disclosed in a previous post, we are happy to inform you that the research and development activities carried on by our engineers, lead to the assembly of the new “Can Bus”, designed for Mercedes veichles.
Our focused planning and research lead to the creation of an highly sophisticated Emulator, which is perfectly adaptable to the different Mercedes models.

On our techincal sheets, you can easily read the list of the different Mercedes models on which our Emulator has already been tested.

If your veichle does not belong to this list yet, you have the possibility to collaborate with our specialists in order to omologate the Emulator to your specific model. Moreover, capitalising on this chance, you can get a further 5% discount on the following prices:

Promotion do not end here

There is a special promotion running from march the 23rd 2015.
This special promotion will be applied on the standard prices of the Emulator currently on market. The available models are listed below:

  • Emulator which can be used outside the European Union on the following veichles: Volvo, Iveco, Renault, Man, Scania, Daf (not LF) and New Holland
  • Emulator which can be used outside the European Union on the following veichles: DAF LF, King Long

Do you want to know the favorable prices of this promotion reserved to our web client?

Ad Blue Emulator: recurring doubts

Recurring doubts when we look for “AD BLUE EMULATOR” on Google web site

The first one is to make sure that the product works properly

“ Hello, do you know where I can buy an Ad Blue emulator box? On the web  there are so many but I would be sure to buy a functioning item at a fair price”

“Pay attention where you buy . There are some models that cost too much and then still do not work.  You can find also those that are cheap …. everyone says that they do not work ; they do not  self-learning or do not come  at all”

“ Do you know where I can  buy it? Do you have any experience in the installation of these devices? “

MONDO CAMION is the answer to all your doubts

Our emulator is an exclusive product, using the most advanced technology

… You can find it on our web site only

Our product is an highly sophisticated device , designed and created entirely in Italy

The constant technological development of our product, which is the result of the studies made by our engineers, and the strict qualitative selection of the components, give us the possibility to produce and offer an emulator with high performance and reliability

An emulator which can be adapted to the different brands of heavy vehicles (  Daf, Daf Lf, Iveco, Man, Renault, Volvo, Scania, King Long and New Holland, Mercedes, Scania € 6).

Ad Blue Emulator for Mercedes Veichle

Mondo Camion is glad to to announce you the coming of the Emulator also for Mercedes veichles.

The “Can Bus Mercedes” has been developed after years of deep researches and careful tests.

It is about a new production device, which has already been succesfully tested on some Mercedes lorry models.

To speed up the diffusion, we propose a promotion for the Mercedes models which have not been yet officially tested.

As it is well known, there are many Mercedes models; in order to offer this new exclusive device to all the owners of Mercedes lorries, we offer a discount on all the models which haven not been tested yet.

[lollum_button text=”Contact us for further information about this promotion” url=”” size=”big”]

Your contribution as tester will give us the possibility to elaborate further important data, which are fundamental to declare the omologation for (almost) all the models circulating.
The models which have already been tested are:

Actros Euro5: 

  • 1860
  • 2548
  • 2544

The Emulator we are offering is the result of the most advanced italian technology; it has been designed and realised entirely in Italy, and all its components are MADE IN ITALY.

The “adbe 14-010 Mercedes” AdBlue Emulator is a device which can be used outside the European Union; it can disabled the AdBlue system which is installed on the Mercedes veichles with a polluting class “Euro4” or “Euro5”.

The AdBlue Emulator is necessary in all the countries where the AdBlue additive is not available, in order to avoid that a veichle suffers a loss of power ,in the case it runs out of additive.

The Emulator bypasses the electronic AdBlue system, without obstructing the operation of any other electronic device of the veichle.
The control unit is easy to install and it allows to disable the AdBlue system, avoiding any loss power for the engine.

The price of Ad Blue Emulator Box

Obviously … Every customer wants to know the price of the product that he buys.
if you visit our web –site, looking at the details of the emulator box  you may note that the price is not shown.

The reason is that we want you to contact us, to let us know your problems and your needs.
In this way we can support you with a concrete help and we can show you all the characteristics of our product, explaining why our emulators are superior to many other models that you will find on the web.

Our emulator box are the result of the most advanced italian technology.
They are designed and made in Italy, using exclusively italian components.
With a direct contact, only, we can explain you the value and the quality of our emulator box.

Our emulators can be adapted to many brands, as you can see in the dedicated page of our shop:

Do you still have further doubts after this explanation?

Finally “Ad Blue Free”

In some special circumstances the “ad blue” additive, can represent a problem.
In some countries it’s difficult to find the “ad blue” additive and if you find it, it could be of poor quality.

What are the consequences ?

Surely a reduction of the engine power and, mostly, the concrete possibility to damage the truck.
Using a not pure additive, some key parts of the engine can get dirty or damaged.

Therefore it’s extremely important that the ad blue additive is produced following strict specifications and not contaminated during the transportation, handling or storage.

The damages that may occur using an additive containing metals or calcium in quantity above the norm, are not immediately detectable but you can note them later, after many kilometrs.
Apparently, the calcium over quantity and its limestone deposits may not create problems but, later, tehy will block the injectors and will damage the catalyst.

If you are not sure to use a pure ad blue additive, in those countries where it is allowed, you can be “ad blue free”.
using our emulator, the engine will work without ad blue additive.
No power reduction – no light that lights up.
The unit will work as if the additive has been added.
Look at all models currently available on our shop and contact us for any information.

New Emulator suitable for Iveco Euro 6

Research and Development of “Mondo Camion” never stop

We are pleased to inform you that, due to the continuous development of our product, THE NEW EMULATOR suitable for IVECO € 6, is now available.

Our engineers are testing new prototypes, which’ ll be shortly proposed, to make them compatible with a growing number of vehicles.

Don’ t forget…..on our web-site you will find the constant assistance to choose the right emulator model and properly install it on your vehicle.

This version is perfect for New Holland Tractors, too.

What are you waiting for?

Why would I need an Emulator?

All the advantages of the “Ad Blue emulator box”

Catalytic systems based on “Ad Blue” are now widespread.

You can find them on trucks, buses of all known brands i.e.: Man, Scania, Daf, Volvo, Renault, Mercedes-Benz, Iveco, New Holland and so on.

The reason why they are so widespread is the European legislation concerning emissions; known as “Standard Euro”

The “Ad Blue” additive cleans the exhaust gases, but a little unknown side has to be consider.

That’s why you may need an “Ad Blue emulator box”

First of all, the “Standard Euro”, is valid only in EU countries; in other countries, governed by  less shrinkable regulations , the additive is not essential to keep the catalytic converter system working.

In all these countries, using the emulator to turn off the Ad Blue system, I can save a lot of money.

In some countries, the use of Ad Blue additive can create problems and accident. In countries where the temperature is continuously below -10 degrees, any liquid, similar to water, becomes ice.

When the Ad Blue additive freezes, it can damage the liquid pump system and generate “error codes” , so, to avoid damages, the diagnostic system reduces the engine power. In some cases this may produce a severe overheating of the catalyst, causing serious damage and standstill periods of the vehicle.

In this case the emulator, bypassing the diagnostic system of the vehicle, avoids both the loss of power and the damage of the catalyst components.

If you have a vehicle that has a damaged catalytic converter, you can make it usable again, without any loss of power; of course, as long as you are in a country where the use of the Ad Blue additive is not mandatory.

If you are driving your truck outside Europe, you can turn off the Ad Blue system at any time; you will return to use it in those countries where it is compulsory.

Are you permanently deactivating the Ad Blue system ?

In all countries where the Ad Blue additive is mandatory,  the “Ad Blue” system can and must regularly work. You can reactivate it at any time.

As you can read, there are many instances where you can turn it off …. it can be very useful for your vehicle and for your work.

Here are the new Ad-Blue Emulators for Euro 6 Volvo and Renault

More news from Mondo Camion:

The development of our products never stops.

You can, now,  ask for the new emulators  Volvo and Renault € 6.

These new models, added to Scania and Iveco, expand the range of our products.

Contact us for any further information or for a quotation.

Mondo Truck guarantees you a timely and competent assistance in Italian and English, which helps you to choose the right emulator model and to install it correctly on your vehicle.

The emulator works on the ad blue injection system.

In all countries outside the European Community, where legislation allows, if you have problems with the system, but you want to avoid machine stoppage and expensive repairs, you can apply our emulator even on the most modern vehicles.

Our emulators will also be useful when, as our customer writes to us, the vehicle is used as “overland” in remote country where the additive is not available.